Due to the nature of the plugin, there's no way to demo both basic
and intl
processors so here are some examples of the basic
(default plugin config)
{{ 'now'|td }}
Output: 03/29/2025 04:50AM
{{ 'now'|td('de') }}
Output: 29.03.2025 04:50
{{ 'now'|td(null, 'Y-m l') }}
Output: 2025-03 Saturday
{{ 'now'|td('lt', 'Y-m l') }}
Output: 2025-03 Šeštadienis
Same usage with intl
support - only formats are different (see README)
Default config is:
enabled: true
processor: basic # `basic|intl`
cs: 'd.m.Y H:i'
de: 'd.m.Y H:i'
en: 'm/d/Y h:iA'
es: 'd/m/Y H:i'
id: 'd/m/Y H:i'
lt: 'Y-m-d H:i'